A Google Messages error could drain your battery

With all the apps we usually have running on our phones, there is a constant concern about whether the battery will be able to survive the day – and it does not help when apps turn on incorrectly and run power training features in the background. . According to 9to5Googlea recent bug in the Google Messages app on Android phones left the camera running in the background – a great way to both warm up your phone and run down the battery.

The Google Messages app allows you to easily take a picture directly from the app and attach it to an instant message. According to the article in 9to5Google, the camera app would occasionally keep running even when you did not have it on the screen. (This issue was also reported to occur with a Pixel 6 Pro in a Reddit group.)

Using the camera to send a picture via Messaging (see bottom left corner) can keep the camera running.

Using the camera to send a picture via Messaging (see bottom left corner) can keep the camera running.

You can, if you want, deny Messages permission to use the camera.

You can, if you want, deny Messages permission to use the camera.

We were unable to recreate the issue. However, if you find that your phone is unusually hot, or that the battery is running low particularly quickly, it may not hurt to make sure your camera is not still running – or simply to push the Messages app from the Recent view, which will shut down the app. You can also deny Messages permission to use your camera completely by going to Settings> Apps> Messaging> Permissions> Camera and selecting “Do not allow.”

However, it may not be necessary. According to Scott Westover, communications manager at Google, the bug has been identified and the fix is ​​currently rolling out to users.