We are big fans of collecting trophies and achievements in games. So today we want to share some details about the trophies and achievements in Bloodhunt and our design philosophy behind them!
Different games have different approaches to this. What we have aimed to do is to create an experience around them that takes you through all the different aspects that the game has to offer. Basically, it rewards the whole player journey. From trying out the basics of the game for the first time, to spending some time getting to know our archetypes, and finally asking you to show off your skills with everything you’ve learned.
We wanted the platinum trophy / 100% performance to be within reach of as many players as possible, as long as you take some time to become familiar with the game and play it as intended. We deliberately avoided forced ways of playing the game that would cause grief to yourself or other players.
We also would not do it for laughs as we respect our players time. Therefore, all performances have a reasonable playing time to complete. We estimate that platinum should be reachable within about 15-20 hours of playing time. The list is also filled with Easter eggs and references. See if you can figure them all out!
Tell us if you enjoy our trophy / achievement list and what type of achievement lists you are big fans of! We will definitely consider it if we end up adding more trophies to Bloodhunt.
We also have a very active Discord community with over 80,000 members and we would love it if you would join us here!
Thanks for reading along, and until next time, see you at dusk!
Bloodhunt is a free Battle Royale game set in the Vampire: The Masquerade universe, which means you get to run around like your own custom bloodsucker and unleash hell on your opponents with all sorts of cool supernatural abilities. The game drops on April 27th, and we’ve already drawn the Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodhunt trophies if you want to see what you’re up against in the meantime.
Would you like to give this blood-soaked twist on the popular ‘last standing’ formula a try? Tell us below and thank you to Sharkmob for getting in touch!