A word of warning to Elden Ring players: Do not pick up lost underwear

Elden Ring players can leave gifts to each other in the game’s multiplayer component. Sometimes it’s a cute piece of equipment or a powerful sword. Other times, though, it’s a pair of underwear that will get you banned.

The underpants in question are the infamous hacked drawers known as Deathbed Smalls. Basically, if you find a pair of smart underpants on the ground, leave them there. Players who have been tempted by fate and picked them up report that they have been “softly banned” from Elden Ring. There are several warnings on Elden Ring sub-Reddit, as discovered by Vice.

“After 220 hours, I pick up some underwear and it’s all over,” one player wrote.

The item Deathbed Smalls in Elden Ring

Image: FromSoftware via Fighter PL on YouTube

Elden Ring, like FromSoftware’s other games, follows a general rule for wearables: If you watch it on someone else, you can probably wear it too, leading to a massive fashion scene for fans. IN Elden Ring players especially found out that Fia – a lady you can hug Elden Ring – is wearing a piece of fancy lingerie under her dress. FromSoftware, however, appeared to have cut the underwear from the final version of Elden Ringand chooses to only get Fia’s deathbed dress and robe.

But that does not mean that the underpants are inaccessible. Horny players quickly found out that they can be hacked into the game. Players have traded and begged each other to drop the panties all over Elden Ring sub-Reddit. Sometimes it seems like an accident: A player picks up random things that have fallen by outsiders and grabs them unconsciously.

Now some players get a warning: Delete the panties or get soft-banned. A soft-ban means a player can still use multiplayer, but is instead thrown into a “quarantine” queue with other soft-banned players. In messages to soft-banned players sent to Reddit, FromSoft said players should remove the item, sometimes deleting an entire saved file, to prevent them from being suspended.

Fia’s underpants are not the only illegal item in Elden Ringaccording to the players. Prohibition has allegedly also been imposed for gestures with “fetal position”. Polygon has contacted publisher Bandai Namco for further clarification.