APK teardown: Android users may soon be able to create clips in Twitter Spaces

Twitter Spaces has been one of the biggest additions to the platform for years. A feature inspired by the “Clubhouse”, they essentially pose as a sound space held by a host where others can join in to listen. The company has been improving it ever since, adding new features and testing integrations across the platform. The most recent of them was “Clips”, a feature rolled out to iOS users that allowed hosts to save the last thirty seconds of speech in a “clip”. Although not available for Android users yet, we’ve found evidence that the feature will soon be rolled out to Android users.

An APK teardown can often predict features that may arrive in a future update of an application, but it is possible that some of the features we mention here may not be included in a future release. This is because these features are not currently implemented in the live build and can be pulled at any time by the developers in a future build.

The latest Twitter beta version 9.40.0-beta.1 contains strings related to making clips on Android.

<string name="confirm_turn_off_button_text">Yes, turn off</string>n    <string name="confirm_turn_off_clips_desc">Are you sure you want to turn off clips? If you turn off clips, no one in this Space will be able to make them.</string>n    <string name="confirm_turn_off_clips_title">Turn off clips?</string>n    <string name="confirm_turn_on_button_text">Yes, turn on</string>n    <string name="confirm_turn_on_clips_desc">Are you sure you want to turn on clips? If you turn on clips, anyone in this Space can make and share them.</string>n    <string name="confirm_turn_on_clips_title">Turn on clips?</string>

When the feature first rolled out on iOS, it was only rolled out to a small test group. Multiple users gained access over time, and anyone can listen to a clip when it’s shared on someone else’s timeline. There is no limit to the number of clips that a person can create from a recorded or live space, and says Twitter that they can be created by hosts, speakers and listeners. Hosts can disable clips if they do not want them enabled.

Of course, it was expected that Twitter would eventually roll this out to Android users, as it said it would “soon”. It’s a feature that is currently being tested, but there was no reason to believe the company would not go ahead with its rollout. After all, even Clubhouse has a clipping feature that was launched in September last year. Given that we’ve found these strings in the latest beta of the Twitter app, we think it’s fair to say the feature will arrive sooner rather than later.