Battlefield 2042 fans unhappy with massive update announcement

Battlefield 2042 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X will get a massive update next week. Prior to this community manager at DICE, Kevin Johnson has previewed some of what fans can expect from the comprehensive update. Unfortunately, for Johnson and the rest of DICE, who are still working on the game, BF2042 fans are apparently not impressed with the update, or at least that’s what many twitter replies to the tweet showing the update suggest.

Update 4.0 to Battlefield 2042 is set to go live next week, with the patch notes also going live at the beginning of that week, “Johnson said of the update.” There are over 400+ individual fixes, bugs and improvements to QoL to review in next week. “Johnson continues:

“In update 4.0, Rao and Paik need to have their properties updated. Sundance has also received some fixes to their grenade belt, allowing for better acquisition of anti-tank grenade targets in their immediate vicinity instead of things that are away from football fields! Ties are has been adjusted in to allow easier unlocking across modes such as Rush. XP support actions and team play in the game have also been balanced to ensure teamwork remains king. / vehicle counter play still has a bite! Bug fixes to the ADS bug when leaving a vehicle and reviving near obstacles are also in this update. Attachments should also be reviewed in Update 4.0 with a focus on ensuring feels unique and has an impact on your loadout choices and gunplay.Although this only scratches the surface of Update 4.0 in #Battlefield 2042, we put pri s on the patience we have got to get this u pdate out there. Again, I’m really looking forward to your feedback as the update goes live next week. “

This is the scope of the preview, and of course, if this is what it’s in the preview, then the rest of the update is probably less consequent, or at least that’s what seems to be the assumption many have made after have read the thread and these fans are not impressed.

Right now there is nothing to say when exactly the update will go live, but we will keep you updated. In the meantime for more Battlefield 2042 news, rumors, leaks and speculations click here.