Bungie confirms that Destiny 2 contains Easter eggs teasing its next game – IGN

If you’re excited about what Bungie is working on next time, there’s a hint to the studio’s next project tucked away somewhere in Destiny 2. When former Destiny 2 director Christopher Barrett was asked Twitter (via GamesRadar) if there was a hint of Bungie’s new IP somewhere in their massive first-person shooter, Barrett simply answered “Yes”.

Barrett followed up on his short response with yet another tweet in one word, saying “Maybe” along with a smiley resembling the moon. This led some Destiny fans to believe that the hint is hidden somewhere on Earth’s Moon from Destiny 2’s Shadowkeep expansion. Even with the tip, the Destiny community has not found the Easter egg yet. So if you’re a Destiny 2 fan, maybe it’s time to start searching for the Moon!

Barrett is currently the director of an unannounced Bungie game after leaving the Destiny 2 director chair in 2018. Joe Blackburn is the current director of Destiny 2.

This is not the first time Bungie has saved an Easter egg for his next project in a game. Halo 3: ODST, released in 2009, contained a poster that read “Destiny Awaits”. The teaser has since been removed.

Very little is known about Bungie’s new IP. According to a job posting from 2020, Bungie is working on a “comic” game that will feature “funny characters”. And the game will apparently include “a wide range of pursuit and loot systems” and “fundamental RPG” systems, so we might expect some mechanics similar to Destiny. Another job posting from last year suggests the project is a “character-focused” multiplayer game. We do not know when the game will arrive, but back in 2019, Bungie announced plans to release at least one non-Destiny game by 2025.

Every Bungie game ever reviewed by IGN

Bungie was also acquired by PlayStation earlier this year, but new games in development will not be PlayStation exclusive. Sony wants to help Bungie turn its franchises into movies that could include Destiny and what new IP studio it’s working on.

Logan Plant is a freelance writer for IGN. You can find him on Twitter @Logan JPlant.