Fixing CDPR issues About ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ expansion focus

Well, that’s a weird one. This week, CDPR made some plans for its future and the future of its latest release, Cyberpunk 2077. They said the game has sold 18 million copies and that it would release its first (and possibly only) major expansion in 2023, long after that many had expected it to be out.

At the same time, they released a graph showing exactly what CDPR was working on right now. The indication was that most of the company had moved on to new projects, which include the next Witcher game and may include future Cyberpunk titles outside of the original release.

Now they say they were wrong, and that graph was not marked correctly. Here is new graph, which shows that the section that was The Witcher and other projects should actually be the percentage of the company that worked on the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion for 2023.

This makes more sense, as before it actually showed it fewer people worked on enlargement than in 2021, which did not keep up, as we still have eight months left until 2023, when we now know that enlargement is coming out. The new chart also changes the December 2021 line, which also showed a decrease in the number of people working on the expansion from the previous six months. Extremely strange, and a pretty big oversight, to be honest.

Does this change anything? I mean, it indicates that between supporting the current game and working on the expansion, more than half of the company, closer to two-thirds, are still working on Cyberpunk 2077 in some capacity, while only a small percentage have moved on to Witcher 4 and “other projects.”

That said, I do not change my mind about the prediction I made yesterday that all the signs point to the idea that Cyberpunk is likely to only get one expansion before most of the CDPR goes ahead. Sales have dropped dramatically, only 4.3 million in 16 months compared to 13.7 in the first three weeks, and if this expansion is to go out in 2023, CDPR has no indication of how well it will sell, which would justify another expansion, plus, by mid-2023, as they move into 2024, it looks like they want the majority of their workforce to move on to the Witcher Unreal Engine 5 game they announced In this month. Even if the original plan might have been a Witcher 3-like double major expansion release for Cyberpunk, I would be surprised if those plans had not changed and if the long-term future of Cyberpunk is just a whole new game further into the future, rather than continuing to invest in this current version. But we’ll see.

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