For $ 200, Best Buy will drag your two biggest pieces of tech junk away | Engadget

Big box electronics retailer Best Buy announced the launch of a new appliance recycling program on Thursday that will allow customers to get up to two large pieces (and an unlimited amount of small items) unwanted technology shipped for a fee of $ 200.

Best Buy already runs a number of consumer electronics recycling programs, where customers either drop off in-store gift card items or pay a $ 30 to $ 50 fee to have their old appliances taken away once their Best Buy purchased replacements are delivered. This new Standalone Haul-Away service requires no additional purchase and comes with a 20 percent discount for Best Buy TotalTech subscribers (a $ 200-a-year scheme that includes on-demand GeekSquad access). But Haul-Away is limited in what it can take.

Customers can get rid of up to two (2) all-in-one computers, TVs, large appliances and refrigerators as well as as many hard drives, game consoles, laptops and non-regiftable immersion blenders as they are willing to separate rid of. If, on the other hand, you want to relieve old musical instruments, DVDs, software, or older formats, you’d better look elsewhere because Best Buy does not take them.

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