Half-Life 2 Mod replaces Alyx with Star Fox Adventures’ Crystal and her original voice actress – IGN

A Half-Life 2 mod is on the way, which will not only replace Alyx Vance with Star Fox Adventures ‘Krystal, but it will also have the entire Alyx’ dialogue replaced by Krystal’s original voice actress Estelle Ellis.

As reported by Polygon, Gagnetar created this courage four years ago when he replaced Alyx for Krystal, but he has now taken it a step further by bringing Ellis out of retirement to record brand new lines for the project.

Gagnetar shared an early look at the mod with Krystal and Ellis’ voice in Kleiners Lab of Half-Life 2, and it shows how the character created for GameCube’s Star Fox Adventures fits into this new universe.

Image credit: Gagnetar

Image credit: Gagnetar

On a Krystal fan site, Gagnetar said he plans to release the full mod on September 23, 2022, which happens to be the 20th anniversary of Star Fox Adventures. It was also confirmed that some of the lines were rewritten to help Krystal “fit better” into the world.

As for how he made this happen, he shared in the YouTube comments that he had talked to Ellis occasionally for years now that he “just decided to give her a decent microphone and we worked from there.”

Ellis also voiced Queen Earthwalker and Mother Thorntail in Star Fox Adventures and appeared in Perfect Dark Zero and Grabbed by the Ghoulies. 2005’s Perfect Dark Zero was her last voice acting.

Star Fox Adventures was released in 2002 and is still a divisive entry in the long-flying Star Fox series. In our review of Star Fox Adventures, we said that it “comes as a really great 3D action adventure for GameCube owners. It’s a clear Zelda rip, and not quite as good, but it’s okay in my book, since Rare still has done a pretty good job with it. “

If that’s not enough for you, be sure to check out the leaked playable version of N64’s Dinosaur Planet, which ended up being transformed into Star Fox Adventures.

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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Rich.