How ‘Destiny 2’ can buffer Glaives to actual relevance

Although I’ve had a lot of fun with my glaive since Destiny 2 made me do it during the Witch Queen campaign, I can not deny that A) only one glaive is okay at all, The Enigma, and B) no glaives is the playoffs. viable, or at least not far better than their alternatives.

Destiny 2 is about to give us a big sandbox patch for next season, with some notes coming next week under TWAB, and hopefully there will be something in there about glaives and how they are polished because they have actually already been nervous at least once this season with changes to suppress glaive. Speaking of suppression of glaive, that courage disappears at the end of the season, which will make glaive even less viable than before. Not ideal.

So how do you polish glaives? I will list a lot of possible options below. I do not expect all These suggestions should be used at once as stacking them all together would probably make glaives OP pretty quickly, but these are the kind of things I’ve noticed when using glaives that I really want to see changed.

Projectile velocity – Enhanced Impulse Amplifier on The Enigma is the only reason I use the thing that glaive projectiles feel at all terrible without it. This is how fast the projectiles need to feel at baseline, as there needs to be a dramatic speed boost for them without the need for Impulse (which can not roll on any other glaive right now).

No reloads – It might be a pretty wild suggestion, but maybe we should just… not reload the cred? Reloading a melee weapon seems basically stupid in the first place, and we do not do it with swords, so why glaives?

Melee Damage Perks – It’s still pretty counterintuitive that so many injury benefits do not apply to actual glaive melee injuries. Frenzy and Rampage should increase the damage of not only the projectile but the actual melee damage that glaive does, which is not the case at the moment.

Melee energy – If we keep the shield and the energy generation system, the believer should get at least a certain amount of energy in melee fights and killings. Maybe less than on projectile shots, but something.

The exotics – All three of these need more or less top-to-bottom reworks, so they are not three of the worst weapons in the game. Charging energy, then reloading, then switching mode and then shooting a shot to activate an exotic perk is silly and feels awful. These desperately need to be streamlined and lean towards being OP instead of absurdly underpowered and illogical to use or waste an exotic castle on.

Congenital injury protection – Although I know that glaives have a shield that will allow you to get closer to enemies that could otherwise kill you, it certainly does not last long, and fundamentally it is pure suicide to be in “glaive range “. “most of the time. Using a glaive should possibly give you some sort of baseline damage protection so you do not immediately get blown up in the second you try to hit something. Swords have always had this problem to some degree, but swords are also heavy and try not to compete with fusions, snipers and shotguns.To make a glaive for your special, it needs appropriate boosts to make it even a little bit more viable compared to other choices.

See, I think glaives are fun. I had fun taking my Enigma through the legendary campaign. But part of it was with boosts like suppressing the glaive to make it more useful, and I have yet to use any of the other four glaives in any meaningful capacity because the exoticism is eerily bad and Lubrae’s Ruin can not roll Impulse Amplifier.

I’m just saying, I hope we see a great glaive buff section in the patch preview next week. Otherwise, we’re going to see a whole lot of glaivers go straight into the trash as soon as next season rolls around.

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