iOS 16: Which stock iPhone app do you want to see Apple upgrade the most?

iOS 16 is only a few months away from being announced by Apple during the WWDC 2022 keynote. While last year’s operating system focused heavily on FaceTime, Apple Maps and Weather, which stock iPhone app do you want to see Apple upgrade the most?

Let’s start with Messages. People love iMessage, but it definitely has a lot to improve. It’s still very difficult to roll back to old conversations. Its thread function is also a bit messy – and Apple simply forgot effects.

Not only that, but the iMessage App Store is largely forgotten. For iOS 16, in particular, I really hope Apple will make messaging more enjoyable, borrowing features available on WhatsApp, Telegram and Discord. You can also read about some other ways Apple can improve iMessage here.

Apple Music is another app in need of a renewal. Although Apple will not make a complete redesign to it on iOS 16, the company can still improve some important features. Searching for lyrics and songs is still weird if you make a mistake. Gapless playback is another feature that 9to5Mac‘s Chance Miller recently wrote about. Plus, you do not even have to get me started on the Replay playlist.

Personally, I think Apple should focus more on the social part of Apple Music – as Spotify continues to kill in this section. Please just make it more fun to listen to songs together – and I’m not just talking about having the SharePlay feature, which most of our readers do not use.

Over the years has Camera app has become more complex. With the latest features available on the iPhone 13 Pro, users really need to be “Pro” to understand how they can take full advantage of their cameras.

With iOS 16, I hope Apple makes the Camera app easier for users to enjoy, as most of the third-party apps already offer a host of customizations for professional users.

Talking about apps that need some love, what with Mail app? So many developers come up with such interesting ideas for sending and receiving email, and Apple still seems to be struggling a lot. The last time I got excited – for no reason – was with the Hide My Email feature. How about a better spam filter, what, and maybe the ability to lock the app with Face ID?

Last but not least, I think Photos the app still needs more love with iOS 16. I really enjoyed the way Apple brought Memories with iOS 14, but it could use some new tricks: recognize more objects, people, animals, etc.

Apple desperately needs to introduce a better Hide My Pictures folder, the way it works today is utterly annoying. Also, imagine if the company helped users by deleting duplicate photos!


Of course, these are just five of the many stock apps available on the iPhone. For iOS 16, which of them do you think Apple should focus on the most? Vote in the poll and share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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