Kirby Shopping Bag now available as North American My Nintendo Reward

Kirby bag

Oh no. Kirby has gone Mouthful Mode on groceries again. Quick, get the spatula and olive oil! We need those carrots for dinner!

Aside from unwanted grocery consumption, this new My Nintendo reward (now available in North America) is a pretty welcome addition to the catalog of things to buy with your mountain of platinum points. If you do not want a notepad or other bloody phone holder thing, you’ve been a little unlucky lately – but all need more shopping bags, right?

This Kirby bag has the pink boy on the one hand walking through the forgotten land in his latest game, and on the other hand his big squashy face. It costs 600 points, and folds nicely in a Kirby-labeled pocket for easy storage.

The link to get your own Kirbag is right here, but if it does not work, try this one instead – we had a problem with the site that told us our product limit had been reached.

Do not forget that you also have to pay for shipping! But at least the Kirby bag is more accessible (and less criminal) than a Kirby ball, right?