Pretty Puzzler LEGO Builder’s Journey Ventures for PS5, PS4

Scratched seconds are not necessarily a bad thing – especially when it comes to the wonderful puzzle game LEGO Builder’s Journey. Brick-’em-up, first released in 2019 as part of the Apple Arcade, has been around and released on PC, Xbox and Nintendo Switch, with PlayStation owners considering when they will be next. Well, a PS store the overview suggests that April 19th is the big day – at long last!

Release Date Makes Sense: The game recently received a huge update on all platforms and added a Creative Mode, which is mentioned on the product page of the PlayStation website. There is no mention of a price in the store list, but the game is currently selling for around £ 15.99 / $ 19.99 on PC, so expect to get a similar fee on PS5 and PS4.

For those of you unfamiliar with the game, it’s a ridiculously beautiful puzzle that sees you move bricks to help guide characters through small dioramas. The PC version uses famous raytracing, so we’m excited about whether it will push the PS5 just as hard – it really is one of the most breathtaking realistic releases right now.