The Realme Pad Mini goes on sale today for the first time since its launch in India. The latest Android tablet from Realme is a compact version of the Realme Pad, which was launched last year. The Realme Pad Mini is therefore smaller and slightly less powerful than its larger version. Realme said that the Pad Mini is aimed at students, which is why the software on it is not as highly customized as the Realme UI.
If you are looking for an affordable Android tablet, the Realme Pad Mini is worth considering. It brings a good screen, a processor that is fast enough to handle light tasks, and a metal design that gives the Realme Pad Mini a premium look. However, there are three features that make it a great option in the market. But before I talk about them, let’s get the price and sales details of the Realme Pad Mini out of the way.
Realme Pad Mini price and sale
Realme Pad Mini comes in four variants. There is a WiFi variant and an LTE variant. The 3GB, 32GB version of the WiFi model costs Rs 10,999, while the 4GB, 64GB version is priced at Rs 12,999. For the LTE variant, the 3GB, 32GB model costs Rs 12,999, and its 4GB, 64GB version is priced at Rs 14,999. The color options for the Realme Pad Mini are blue and gray.
The sale starts today at 12 on Flipkart, Realme’s online store and stores near you. At the first sale you are entitled to up to Rs 2,000 discount, after which the WiFi model starts at Rs 8,999 and the LTE model at Rs 11,249.
Interestingly, the Realme Pad, the larger version of the Realme Pad Mini, starts at Rs 13,999.
Realme Pad Mini: 3 Reasons to Consider It
Screen: The Pad Mini comes with an 8.7-inch screen with an HD resolution. It has a screen-to-body ratio of 84.59 percent, which is good for watching movies. The edges are thin on two sides, which makes the screen look a little bigger, but the other two sides have thicker frames for a reason. When you hold the tablet horizontally, these spaces ensure that your thumbs have ample space and do not obscure the screen. The display also supports Eye Comfort Mode, which lowers blue light to enhance the reading experience.
Stereo speakers: Tablets are not just for working with documents. They are also for consuming media. With stereo speakers, your experience will be good. The sound is louder than usual and it is something that will appeal to the users.
Battery: You get large batteries on tablets. This is because tablets are meant to last longer. On the Realme Pad Mini you get a 6400mAh battery, which is certainly smaller than the Realme Pad’s, but which is claimed to offer up to almost 16 hours of video streaming. There is also support for 18W fast charging on the tablet.