Reddit’s new comment search tool makes it even better to replace Google

A better way to find the answers you are looking for

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to solving problems. Whether we’re trying to repair your home without much experience or trying to fix a strange software bug on your phone, advice is just a few clicks away. Of course, these days you might be able to find better advice deep in the comments section of a Reddit thread with a similar issue. Browsing Reddit results is nothing new, but with some improvements to their search engine, the site wants to make it easy to discover relevant information right from the comments themselves.


As the company announced in a blog post, anyone on Reddit can search through comments instead of having to dig through thread after thread to find a solution. It’s coming to the desktop today, even though it’s not showing to users. Anyone else can try it by searching for specific terms on Reddit and then clicking the “Comments” button at the top of the page.

As with standard search results, you can either browse the entire Reddit or browse through specific subreddits for more direct results. Unfortunately, there is one major limitation here: You can not filter results as you can with standard search queries, which means that it is not possible to select top comments or sort within a specific time frame.

reddit comment search

Still, it is a useful feature that users should welcome with open arms. According to Reddit, it was the most sought-after search-related tool by Redditors in a survey last year where the first test results were seen as a massive success. With a little luck, it won’t be long before results on all devices – including smartphones – can benefit from these latest tools.

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