The Google Fi Android app gets a little material you redesign

Discovered in version 60 of the app on Android, Google Fi receives some of a material you redesign. It’s not big, but it puts the aging app in line with the rest of Google’s renewed offerings.


For those of you who do not know, Material You is Google’s design language, which was introduced in Android 12 and allows users to apply a personal stylization to their applications based on the color and theme of their wallpaper. It goes far beyond that, but basically it is meant to allow a level of customization never seen before on Android, making the device feel more like it reflects your own personal taste.

Google Fi’s new bottom bar now includes the newly implemented “pill” -shaped navigation icon backgrounds as well as a new pastel color palette instead of the harsh, lively icons. Not so long ago, the app also received Google’s new, quirky, Material You-style graphics at the top of every page, and they just seem more user-friendly and fun overall.

We have not yet received the update for ourselves, but 9to5Google has provided both of the images above on their site. I would be interested to know what you think about the new redesign and whether it is extreme enough to fit in with the other Material You apps that have recently been overhauled.