Imagine your worst nightmare. Really allow yourself to round out every gruesome detail. Feel your heart run and take a step back to reflect on what you have created. I’m guessing it’s not a sim with a cell phone, but somehow developer Maxis has managed to turn the innocent image into a threat Sims community.
The 26th of April That Sims the game starter fully embraced the nightmare. The developers unleashed a creature that players call “Ring Ring Girl”, a stock character that originally lay in a main menu box that encouraged phone use, suddenly encouraged to control the entire simulator’s main menu.
Ring Ring Girl had scared Sims 4 players since 2021, and there are no explicit reasons why the developers decided to emphasize her now instead of in previous updates. However, she has slowly turned into an inside joke in Sims world, with even official Sims accounts from time to time invokes her existence.
After the new changes, she was finally deified – plastered all the way through Sims 4 the main menu, where she holds up her cell phone in a crooked taunt, and her blue, empty eyes pierce yours.
“You’re not hacked, it’s just me!” reads a disclaimer at the bottom of the menu. It does not make it better, Ring Ring Girl. How do you know my IP address ?!
Call Call Girl, or Callia Maebeyas Sims 4 officially named her for yesterday’s update, had spiced Sims 4 warriors who cry and perform all forms of ‘torture’ on the character in retaliation, as the Sim is now also available for download in Sims‘gallery. A popular torture method was to use hot girl mods to perform expert plastic surgery on Maebey, something that will undoubtedly prepare her for a future career in modeling rugs.
If nose work without consent is not for you, the Twitter account can too Sims The community website also noted how much fun it is to force Maebey to “dance in his own piss while she stranded over deadly sharks until she fainted from the heat wave. “Nothing strange, just typical best friend-thing.
Since That Sims gave Maebey access to your thoughts and main menu while announcing his latest updatewe can guess that Maebey is probably just a cardigan-carrying demon, formed to revive the buzz around Sims 4 and show Sims 4 community that EA knows what’s going on inside it.
In her honor, Maebey is also the most exciting of the latest update, which primarily smooths over aesthetics and small features like re-enrolling your Sim in college after suspension. That Sims also updated the main menu in addition to its appearance, adding details like a new launch panel, motivational messages for players starting their first game, and surveys where players can share feedback. Today, That Sims published one extra patch which adds the meals knafeh and zaatar manakeesh, a cactus and a time-limited “frog scenario” that makes your sim want to collect frogs. Thank God. I was running out of frogs.
Some players are frustrated with what they think are unnecessary changes to the main menu, and notice it Sims 4‘s tiny, frequent updates make the game behave more irregularly only in some cases. So we are left with the fact that Maebey is the most exciting thing about the update.
You know, the more I stare into her monster eyes, the more I feel for her, the more I begin to … really understand her. I would never cruelly tear you limb from limb like some other players, Maebey. Not as long as you keep your side part as violently angular as it is right now. And that cardigan! Looks good mate.
But I never get a chance to really know Maebey …That Sims scrubbed her from the main menus just a day after she was allowed to dominate them. You do not know anything good until it is gone.