The number of users signing up for App Tracking on iOS has grown significantly since last year

It’s almost a year ago that Apple introduced iOS 14.5 with App Tracking Transparency, a feature that lets users choose whether they want to be tracked by third-party apps. While the number of users who chose to let apps track them was low at first, a new study from Adjust shows that some people have changed their minds about this option.

According to the research firm, the industry feared that the new App Tracking Transparency in iOS would hurt the mobile app market, which is heavily dependent on advertising. In May 2021, the option rate was around 16%. Now that number has grown to 25% a year later.

When it comes to games, the figure is even higher – 30% of users have allowed developers to collect their data for ads. The figures are based on a global survey that takes into account the 2,000 most popular apps in Adjust’s database. In some cases, popular games have achieved opt-in rates of up to 75%.

Interestingly, other research last year had revealed that only 4% of users in the US had signed up for App Tracking a month after the feature was launched. Of course, Adjust notes that consent rates vary from app to app, but the company believes more users are seeing the “value” of receiving personalized ads.

While the industry has largely adapted and come to understand the benefits of working with a mix of ATT-selected data, device-level data, and aggregated SKAdNetwork data, the option has become a crucial strategic starting point.

Consent rates vary widely, however, but we expect to see a continued upward trend as more users understand the value of signing up and receiving personalized ads – something the gaming industry has been most successful at presenting so far.

Since the introduction of App Tracking Transparency, it has resulted in several controversies between developers and large tech companies – most notably Facebook, which today opposes changes to Apple’s privacy policies. ATT, as the feature is also called, would have cost Facebook $ 13 billion in lost revenue by 2022.

Apple, on the other hand, will obviously continue to push privacy features in iOS.

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