This FF7 Buster Sword watch prevents you from casting snooze

Area Final Fantasy VII fan? Tired of sleeping too much? Do not want to use your phone as an alarm so that you are not sucked into doomscrolling? Well, I ever have the solution for you: a standalone digital watch made after Final Fantasy VIIs iconic Buster Sword.

The miniature replica of Cloud Stripe’s ridiculously large sword – more specifically the version in Final Fantasy VII Remake – is set at an angle reminiscent of how you see it on the game’s main menu screen. The bell is clearly illuminated thanks to a view on the blade of the sword, and the material near the mount also lights up.

A closer look at the watch. Wonder what materials it is.
Photo: Square Enix

If you like Final Fantasy VII Remake music – like me – you will be happy to know that you can set five of the game’s best songs as your alarm:

  • Main theme for FFVII – Sector 7 Underby
  • Let the fighting begin! – And Merc’s Job
  • The Airbuster (a remix of the original FF7s boss battle theme that breaks)
  • Aerith’s theme – Home again
  • One-winged angel – rebirth

If you want an idea of ​​how the music sounds on the clock’s speakers, check out this video from Square Enix. The sound quality does not seem great, but it may be worth dealing with, so Sephiroth’s theme song is the first thing you hear every morning.

Before you get ready to throw something gil on the watch, there are a few not-so-good things I should mention. First, the watch costs … $ 199.99. If you put money down now, you only pre-order the watch prior to an expected release date in January 2023. According to Square’s website, the watch only shows 24-hour time. And you better hope that the faint-sounding speakers can wake you up completely, because the watch also lacks a snooze button.

But if you are willing to wait, really want to own a miniature replica of Cloud’s Buster Sword, and are okay to live dangerously without a snooze button, you might want to pre-order your now. While you wait, your dreams may be filled with the classic songs from Final Fantasy VII – soon enough, you will also be able to hear them from the official watch.