Ubisoft Sunsets online services for dozens of older games

Ubisoft has stopped offering online services for dozens of its games. As of April 21, 90 older games from the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 era will no longer have online multiplayer or in-game news and stats. Some affected franchises include Just Dance, Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry and Splinter Cell. Ubisoft announced the change on the company’s website.

Offline games will continue to be available for the affected games. The post from Ubisoft said that the changes also disabled unlockable content like skins and cards in the games. Content that can be unlocked by those who own the game console version will continue to be playable unless the player resets a saved file. But oddly enough, Windows PC players will no longer have access to this content, “even though it has been redeemed in the past.”

The full list of affected titles can be found on Ubisoft’s website. The majority of the games are quite old and are in some cases on obsolete platforms like the cloud gaming service OnLive. Some classic titles like Assassin’s Creed 2 will no longer have online functionality, but also have newer remastered versions. Other notable titles include Far Cry and Far Cry 2 for Windows PC as well Rainbow Six Vegas and Rainbow Six Vegas 2.