The subscription for business users is likely to include other benefits as well
WhatsApp has only recently received proper support for several devices – something that has been possible with Telegram for years now. While you were able to chat on a few devices using the same account, everything was still attached to your phone as the primary point of contact. Fortunately, the app has recently changed that by removing other logged devices and giving you access to WhatsApp even when your phone is dead or does not have a signal. While up to four connected devices are supported with the current implementation, a new subscription offer might just allow even more than that.
WhatsApp seems to be developing a new plan for corporate accounts with the goal of offering a few extra features to subscribers, as uncovered by WABetaInfo. One of these will support up to 10 connected devices in one account – more than double the current limit – effectively allowing multiple people in a business to use the same official contact point to communicate with customers.
It is entirely possible that this upcoming subscription may include other extras in addition to just this higher limit of 10 units, but so far we have not seen anything that suggests exactly what that might entail. Both Android and iOS versions of WhatsApp Business currently show no publicly facing characters, so you’ll probably have to wait for it to be introduced with a future update.
Right now, there is also no evidence that WhatsApp Business as a whole will be the payment wall after the arrival of this subscription – WhatsApp is a free service and will (hopefully) remain so. We might think of the upcoming plan as more like Twitter Blue – an offer that gives subscribers access to exclusive features and perks while coexisting with the free level.
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