The Japanese Pokémon Variety show, called PokéDoko 4, has announced that it will share the latest news about the Pokémon games. Many will be hoping to see news about the two upcoming Pokemon games coming out this winter, which are Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. The Pokemon Masters account says that if they share new information about these two games, they will most likely be revealed before the show airs, which could possibly mean a Pokemon Direct next week. As always, we have to wait and see what happens.
“The TV Tokyo summary for PokéDoko 4, which airs April 24, 2022, indicates that they will have a segment with” The latest Pokémon game information !? “The new game information will most likely be announced this week, before they are broadcast on this show. “
“It’s been years since any of the Pokémon Variety shows have had exclusive new game information. However, that would be a great way to get viewers back.”
“The latest info on Pokémon games!” <- does not always indicate new info, only the "latest". This could mean new information or trailers that have already been released, or it could mean new information that was released in the same week that has been an event lately. "
“* IF * this is new game information, it will most likely be announced this week before it airs on this show. Pokémon Variety Shows has not revealed exclusive game news for years.”
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