It’s about time
Although major changes are always slow, we have seen the gaming industry move in a better direction over the last few years in terms of labor rights. While many of these conversations have focused on crunch and excursion addicts in the workplace, a new conversation has emerged about menstrual leave via GOG (which stands for Good Old Games), a digital media distribution platform and a subsidiary of CD Project.
“We are pleased to announce that, with effect today, we are implementing menstrual leave for all menstruating staff at GOG,” the company said in a LinkedIn post. PC Gamer contacted CD Projekt’s PR director Radek Grabowski to ask if this policy would also include GOG’s parent company, to which he replied: “GOG is at the forefront of this initiative and we are taking a closer look at it for the entire CD Projekt.”
GOG’s Head of Culture and Communications Gabriela Siemienkowicz led the initiative to implement the menstrual leave policy. The company estimates that employees who take the leave will take “an extra day off per quarter,” even though they may take time off as needed, Siemienkowicz told Axios.
Ladies in RED – it’s a pleasure to work with you! Happy #International Women’s Day
A major conversation about menstrual leave in all industries has been underway for several months now, and some have given rise to concern over policies that some consider controversial. The biggest fear is that those taking the leave will be considered “less skilled,” Axios said.
It’s really unfortunate that it should even be a problem in the first place, especially when women are already constantly trying to prove their abilities as employees in the gaming industry, because those who deal with menstruation know how necessary it may be to time off. occupation. With a continued push for workers to put their health first, this initiative is an important step towards a more inclusive, beneficial work-life balance for employees.
Given what a big figure CD Project is in the gaming industry, offering menstrual leave may be a good precedent for the rest of the industry to follow – now it’s to be hoped that it’s starting to catch on elsewhere.