‘Glorious PC Gaming Race’ is renamed ‘Glorious’ by belated shame

In 2008, the fast-talking explosive-spitting video game reviews Yahtzee off Zero punctuation coined the term “The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race”, which joked about how snobby PC gamers allegedly looked down on their “dirty console-playing farmer” colleagues. (I remember it was pretty funny at the time.)

Then something unfortunate happened: the PC gaming community decided to brand himself The path. “PC Gaming Master Race” became the community’s biggest subreddit, and in 2014 some guy also decided he wanted to use it to sell mouse pads, mice and keyboards to people, for the Nazi era.

Some guy has now realized the mistake in his ways – and therefore his company, “Glorious PC Gaming Race,” drops the name. It’s just “Glorious” now; the logo and products will change and the company says its website pcgamingrace.com will be retired in favor of a new domain name.

“The intention of this rebrand is to better adapt the public face of the fast-growing startup to its own core values,” reads a press release, which quickly points out that founder Shazim Mohammad was 24 years old when he started the company and suggests. he did not know better – he just agreed with the meme. (Then it points out how successful the branding was: “The unusual name attracted attention in the crowded industry, especially from other members of these online communities,” it reads.)

I’m older and certainly should have known better, but I admit that my own “Glorious PC Gaming Race” mouse pad sneaked into the pictures for my Odyssey G9 screen review before I pulled it back in shame.

Unfortunately, it sounds like it may take a while before the company can seriously drop the phrase that apparently served its business well until today. It will be a “multi-year transition period”, the company writes, although new product launches are already going that route.

While we’re on the topic of cringe gamer branding … Acer, are you listening? It may be time to stop encouraging your customers to find their inner predators.

I’m joking … but only a little.