It’s April 2022 and Battlefield 2042 finally gets VoIP

Battlefield 2042

Picture: Battlefield 2042

While you wanted to think that a blockbuster multiplayer shooter with up to 128 players at a time would rely solely on voice communication, ever since its launch last year Battlefield 2042 has not allowed players to chat via VoIP. That is finally changing.

Yes, as incredible as the intro was to print, especially considering the importance VoIP has played in previous games in the series, for several months the only way 2042 players have been able to communicate with each other have been by leaving pings on the card or chatting with teams / teammates via text chat.

Image for article titled It's April 2022, And Battlefield 2042 Finally Gets VoIP

Screenshot: Kotaku

As one of the few people who still play the game regularly, this has sucked! New players would expect the feature, and veteran players are used to it, so it has been a dangerous and cumbersome process to try to plan strategies and tell teammates about threats / opportunities / ideas by hiding inside a box and writing it out in the chat. .

Fortunately, that has changed from April 19th (tomorrow at the time of the post, maybe today or even in the past when you read this). Battlefield 2042s 0.4.0 update finally adds VoIP chat for both teams and teammates (with players who can quickly switch between them).

It will, too add a scoreboard to the end-0f game scoreboardmercifully giving some more context and detailed information than just exposing 128 people to hear “HOW IT WORKS EVER” over and over again.

Also included in the update are some other much needed fixes, such as:

– Balance adjustments by specialists, such as updated features for Rao and Paik, and improvements in Sundance’s specialty, focusing on making their anti-tank grenades more effective against targets in their immediate vicinity

– Changes in the car’s balance, such as making the M5C Bolte’s passengers easier to target, and a reduction in the power of its missile launcher

Corrections for unable to ADS after leaving a vehicle, or unable to revive players near objects

– Enhanced tapes and XP events to make them easier to unlock across modes

If you are wondering when some of the major changes and additions to the game itself will come, such as map adjustments, yes, they are a little further away