Qualcomm will compete against Apple Silicon with its next-generation ARM-based PC chips by the end of 2023

Apple’s move to the transition to its custom silicon from Intel has been widely praised by reviewers. The new M-series of chips delivers improved processing power, while increasing battery life due to lower power consumption. Last November, Qualcomm announced its plans to compete with Apple with its next-generation Arm-based SoC for the PC market. It was revealed earlier this week that Qualcomm will release its first M1 rival to the PC by the end of 2023. Scroll down to read more details on the topic.

Qualcomm will release its arm-based chips by the end of 2023, but Apple could have introduced M3 chips by that time

It was recently discovered that Qualcomm will compete with Apple’s M series of chips later in 2023 (via Toms hardware). The new chips will be “designed to set the performance benchmark for Windows PCs” and will be developed by the Nuvia team. According to Qualcomm, the upcoming chips will compete directly with Apple’s M1, M1 Pro and M1 Max, delivering improved performance and battery life for the PC.

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During Qualcomm’s earnings call last year, the company’s CEO Cristian Amon stated that the Nuvia team was making progress with Arm-based processors. He further stated that the Nuvia team will focus on the performance of the chips and the laptops powered by Nuvia will be made available to users by the end of 2023.

It has previously been heard that Qualcomm will make sample Nuvia chips available to OEMs in August this year. Now the plan has been moved to the second half of 2022. After the test phase, the first Nuvia device for the customer will be made available in “late” 2023.

Qualcomm and Apple Silicon Chips compete for Windows PC

Nuvia was acquired by Qualcomm in January 2021, a start-up company founded by former Apple chip architects. Apple is ready to launch its latest M2 chip with the rumored MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models later this year. Before Qualcomm announces its rival to the M1 series of chips, Apple would have announced subsequent variants of the M2 chip. In addition, the company may have announced its M3 chips by the end of 2023. Going forward, it will be interesting to see a performance comparison between Qualcomm and Apple silicon.

That’s all there is to it, folks. What are your thoughts on Qualcomm competing against Apple’s M series of chips? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.