[U: Restored in Beta 1] Android 13 DP1: Silent mode now completely disables all interaction-based haptics

While digging through the Android 13 Developer Preview 1 build, we’ve found that the built-in “Silent mode” now completely disables haptic feedback across almost every area of ​​your Pixel device.

[Update 04/26]: A little luckily, the all-new Android 13 Beta 1 update has restored vibration / haptics when you interact with your Pixel. However, you will not notice vibrations as you scroll through the Recent menu. In all other areas, such as writing or typing, you get vibration-based feedback. If you miss the feature and run a previous developer example, you should update now.

For those who are confused about this, in Android 12 / 12L and older builds, when you switch to silent mode to disable all vibration-based feedback from app notifications and alarms, you still retain the system interaction haptic. Things like e.g. the soft vibration when typing with Gboard or entering your PIN from the lock screen still works fine, even in this mode on older builds.

Unfortunately, in Android 13 Developer Preview 1, you completely remove all other haptics or vibrations if you change “Silent mode”. Swipe up in the Recent app menu using quick settings, scroll through the app drawer, and any number of areas are now devoid of the soft vibration of the haptic engine.

Confusingly, the haptic feedback is preserved when using the on-screen fingerprint scanner on Pixel 6 devices, however here. This is probably still to ensure that you know when an attempt to unlock has been successful – or failed. Connect a charger or place it on a wireless pad, and the vibration is also still activated here. It may be that this is an ongoing work and will soon be fully adjusted.

Some will no doubt love the removal, but for those of us who like haptic feedback but prefer completely silent and vibration-free notifications, Android 13 Developer Preview 1 may require a little getting used to. It may be that this has long been the intention and is now being rectified with the upcoming release. Either way, it would be nice to have the option to reactivate haptics at the system level as the Developer Preview progresses.

Tell us if this is a removal you are happy with or frustrated with in the comments section below.

More about Android 13 Developer Preview 1:

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