Blizzard Survey asks about NFTs, then dumps players in its online store

Blizzard fans find questions about NFTs and games to earn cryptocurrencies in a recent survey, then to be handed in at the store afterwards.

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Some players of Activision Blizzard games recently received a survey from the gaming company that measured interest in their various IPs and products. But fans have concerns about the content of some of these issues, and they were left scratching their heads when the investigation dumped them out in the Blizzard game store when it was done.

The survey was conducted on YouGov, a UK market research and data analytics firm. The survey itself was sent to selected Blizzard players, and it asked them questions ranging from how often they played different Blizzard games, to what genre of games they played the most.

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One section in particular asked players to share how interested they would be in introducing new technologies in Activision Blizzard products. While some of these topics are things that have been in demand by many fans, such as cross-play, the study also asked about several polarizing technologies, such as play-to-earn cryptocurrency games and the implementation of NFTs.

Bizarrely, when the lengthy investigation ended, instead of thanking the surveyor for their time or closing the window, Blizzard’s investigation redirected them to its online store, This left study participants with their heads spinning from whiplash of being brought there everywhere, and it left a bad taste in the mouths of many, already sour of the subject for the questions.

NFTs have been a hot topic for the last many years since they emerged from the sea of ​​cryptocurrencies. The supposed non-replicable technology has captured a great deal of traction, especially during the coronavirus pandemic, and has been implemented in AAA games such as Ghost Recon Breakpoint with little success. However, due to the environmental costs of affecting NFTs, the inflation caused by the demand for computer parts for mining rigs and the penchant for cryptocurrencies to enable fraud, few fans want them near the gaming industry.

While the investigation does not mean that Blizzard is pursuing plans to implement NFTs in its games, many fans are concerned as it entertains the idea enough to put it on the investigation in the first place. Activision Blizzard is still deeply embroiled in controversies surrounding 2021 sexual assault and discrimination lawsuits, leaving many wondering why it would entertain such a controversial topic in the first place. With the announcement of World of Warcraft next expansion in just a few days, the cautious optimism some of these players had now mixed with anxiety about what else Blizzard may have in store for them in the future.

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