How to play Trivia Quest on Android TV

In early April, Netflix released a new interactive show to live among the most forgotten interactive series category. The new add-on called Trivia Quest is based on Trivia Crack and sets out to do the same: test your ability to remember random facts and information. How to play it on Netflix with Android TV.

What is Trivia Quest

As mentioned, Trivia Quest on Netflix is ​​based on the game Trivia Crack. Although the trivia game declined in popularity over time, Netflix wants to revive the theme and give it another try. Trivia Quest is trying to put you on a mission to rescue your fellow captives. As long as you get the right answer, you will be able to free your friends.

The animation throughout the interactive series is pretty good and has an adorable feel. The cool thing about Trivia Quest is that there are new rounds coming daily, just like episodes of a show. Each new round brings new questions in either a standard or hard mode, allowing you to test your knowledge of just about anything.

How do you play?

Another smart thing about Netflix’s interactive series is that you do not need any special hardware to play them. As long as you have Android TV and an active Netflix subscription, you’re well on your way. On Android TV, the remote you use to navigate Netflix will work fine to help you choose answers. During each episode, you will be given the opportunity to choose an answer with a time limit for each question. So far in Trivia Quest, there seem to be 12 questions for each episode. How to start:

  1. Open Netflix on your Android TV device.
  2. Search for or find Trivia Quest.
  3. click Play S1: Ep1 to start playing.

The first episode takes you through the story and gets you into the action pretty quickly. As mentioned, you can select the answer with your remote control. If you liked to play Trivia Crackyou will enjoy playing Trivia Quest on your Android TV through Netflix.

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